The CARMA Research Methods Education Program is based on a series of four modules linked to existing programs and events. The total time requirement to complete the program is designed to be roughly equivalent to typical expectations for a three-course minor in a research university within the United States. Participation in the RMEP Program is free of charge for those affiliated with member organizations and there is no time limit for completing the program, although there is a 1-year recommended track and a calendar outline for this track. Modules will be comprised of different types of CARMA events, including current and past webcast recordings and short courses. Each component of each module will include a reference list of widely available readings, learning objectives, and an on-line assessment experience.
Module 1
Introductory Lectures on Research Methods is based on 16 webcast lectures from past offerings of the CWP and IVL. These one-hour lectures are selected so as to result in content roughly comparable to that covered in a graduate level introductory level research methods course that would be offered in organizational and social sciences.
Module 2
Current Topics in Research Methods, is based on the 10 new webcast lectures offered from September 2016 until May 2017 as part of the 2016-2017 CARMA Consortium Webcast Program/ CARMA International Video Library Program.
Module 3
Advanced Lectures on Research Methods, is designed to allow for advanced training on a statistical or methodological topic. Participants must choose one of six tracks as their specialty area, including (a) structural equation methods, (b) longitudinal/ multilevel analysis, (c) methods for strategy research, (d) correlation/regression models, (e) measurement, or (f) qualitative analysis.
Module 4
CARMA Short Courses, does not involve video lectures, and is based on the completion of four CARMA Short Courses and related assessment requirements. These courses cover a variety of introductory and advanced topics that are relevant to both micro and macro organizational research.